A Brief Introduction to PIC (Program Instance Control) February 20, 1995 SOFTWARE LICENSE The PIC software is copyrighted. You have a limited license to use this software free for 30 days and to distribute copies of this program without charge to other people who may want to use it. If you wish to use the software beyond the 30 day free-trial peroid, you must register your copy of the program either on your Online Service or by sending a check or money order for $19.95 along with your name and address (or your company name and address) to Green Willow Software 4123 Snowbank Court San Jose, CA 95135 This license is non-transferable. If this program is used on a local area network it is licensed on a per-node basis for each node that has access to the program. Site licenses are available. DISCLAIMER While considerable effort has been made to a provide high-quality error free product, you use this software entirely at your own risk. In no event shall Green Willow Software or its distributors be held liable for any direct, incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of or inability to use this software, including without limitation, lost time, out of pocket expenses, business interruption, loss of business profits, loss of information or any other monetary loss, even if Green Willow Software has been advised of the possibility of such damages. THE PROGRAM PIC is the Mighty Mouse of program managers for Windows. It has the most accessible user interface yet devised for a Windows system program. PIC requires no configuration and no setup to run the standard Windows programs. After you have used it for a while you will want to add your own programs to its menus. To do this, see "Customizing" in the PIC on-line help while you are running the program. To run PIC you need only two files: PIC.EXE and PIC.INI. Both files should be placed in a subdirectory of your Windows directory. This location in the Windows directory is particularly important if you are running on a local area network and want to maintain your own private configuration for PIC. For example, if it does not already exist and WINDOWS is the name of your Windows directory, you could create a directory such as, C:\WINDOWS\UTILS and copy the PIC files to it. Run PIC from this directory with Program Manager the first time you use it. Once PIC is running, you can access the on-line help to find out how to complete the installation and how to customize the menus. "Help", along with all of the other PIC menus, is located on the system menu that pops up when you click the upper left corner of the PIC window. Note that the shareware version of PIC supports up to 10 groups of 10 commands each. If you need more, REGISTER THE PROGRAM. The registered version will allow more than 50 command groups. Enjoy, Ray Connell CompuServe 73277,1501 INET: RayConnell@engineers.com